I had the pleasure of attending CodeMash this year to give two talks on ASP.NET 5 and Database Lifecycle Management. Here is my summary of the conference and references to resourses I used on my talks.
I had the pleasure of attending CodeMash this year to give two talks on ASP.NET 5 and Database Lifecycle Management. Here is my summary of the conference and references to resourses I used on my talks.
I will be speaking at CodeMash 2016 in Sandusky, Ohio and I will be talking about ASP.NET 5 and Database Lifecycle Management. I hope to see some of you there :)
This week, I had the privilege to attend That Conference as a speaker to give a talk on ASP.NET 5. Here is a quick blog post on my conference experience.
Yesterday, I was at /dev/summer 2015, Cambridge and gave a talk on DLM (Database Lifecycle Management). I have uploaded the slides under my Speakerdeck account.
I have a few speaking activities lined up in upcoming weeks on ASP.NET 5 and DLM and I thought it would be good to share these with you all :)
In this post, I will go through how you can use SQL Release Octopus Deploy step templates to make the Octopus Deploy Integration of SQL Release easier by going through one of the deployment flows.